CMI Companies

The Essential Electrical Safety Tips for Spring

Remember these electrical safety tips for spring and keep your commercial building functioning.

As spring arrives, it is crucial to remember what your commercial building needs to stay protected from electrical dangers. During this busy season, staying on top of your electrical system and noticing when updates or repairs are required can be difficult. CMI Lighting makes it easier with our list of essential electrical safety tips for spring. You may also count on us to perform electrical safety checks and energy audits that can boost your electrical system’s performance. Consider the following tips as you inspect your electrical system. 

Conduct a Complete Inspection 

Conduct a thorough inspection of your building’s electrical system. Look for signs of wear and tear, like frayed wires, loose outlets, or flickering lights. Check high-traffic areas around frequently used appliances and workspaces. You may also hire your electrician at CMI Lighting to conduct a professional inspection, especially if you notice hazards beyond your expertise. 

Beware of Moisture Hazards

Spring showers may create moisture hazards that increase electrical shocks or short circuits. Keep electrical cords, tools, and outlets away from water sources whenever possible. Inspect your outdoor electrical outlets and any lighting fixtures for signs of water damage or corrosion. Call your CMI Lighting electrician to repair or replace them to guarantee safe operation. 

Use Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs)

Install GFCI outlets in areas exposed to moisture, including bathrooms, kitchens, and outdoor spaces. These outlets are designed to reduce power when they detect a risk and prevent electrical damage. Test your GFCI outlets regularly to ensure they function correctly using the built-in test button or a GFCI tester device. You may consider upgrading older outlets to GFCI models or installing new GFCI circuit breakers in your electrical panel for further protection against ground faults. 

Practice Appropriate Extension Cord Usage

Always use outdoor-rated extension cords for outdoor tasks, and avoid overloading any extension cords with too many appliances or tools. Keep extension cords clear of pathways to prevent tripping hazards, and never run them under rugs or carpets where they can endure damage and overheat. Regularly inspect extension cords for signs of damage, such as fraying cords. Replace them immediately if you notice these signs. 

Organize and Maintain Electronics

Electrical safety tips always include mindful organization of your electronics. Keep computer cords and cables organized and free from tangles. Store them discreetly so they don’t get tangled together or take up space on desks or the floor. Label cords and their corresponding devices so they can be appropriately disconnected if needed. Finally, invest in surge protectors to safeguard your sensitive electronics from surges in spring thunderstorms. 

Prepare for Electrical Emergencies

Electrical safety tips for spring and every season include preparation for emergencies. Have supplies on hand, like flashlights, batteries, and first aid supplies, to address potential power loss. At commercial properties, installing backup generators can be essential to avoid damage to appliances and data stored in computers and networks. 

When in doubt, call your dependable commercial electrician at CMI Lighting for guidance and electrical services. We can keep your property safe through all seasons. 


With over 35 years in the industry, CMI has an array of equipment to handle the logistics of any in-house job. We also frequently provide solutions to property managers and upcoming developments. CMI Companies provides services in the Mid-Atlantic Region and proudly serves clients in Northern Virginia, Maryland, Richmond, Southern Virginia, Manassas, Prince William County, Fairfax County, Rockville, and Prince George’s County. Also, check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.