LED stands for Light Emitting Diodes. They are one of the most energy-efficient lighting options on the market today.
There are plenty of opportunities to explore more energy efficient options when it comes to lighting. The advent of compact fluorescent and LED lighting has provided better possibilities to spend that part of the budget in a more efficient way. Between those options, LED still stands above the rest for providing long-lasting and energy efficient light. Here’s what you should know about energy efficient lighting.
LED Lighting Overview
To start, LED stands for Light Emitting Diodes. They are one of the most energy-efficient lighting options on the market today. Unlike incandescent bulbs, LED lighting provides directional lighting, which spreads light more spherically. The latest models are now being designed with built-in diffusers to spread the light into wider beams. They also last much longer than other lighting options — up to 10 times as long as compact fluorescent lights. When it comes to efficiency, LED bulbs only use about two to 17 watts of electricity. This amounts to about a third of incandescent bulbs. Because of this low amount of necessary power, they have become a go-to option when used in conjunction with solar panels, which increases their energy efficiency.
Choosing a Bulb
To choose the LED bulb that will work best in your space, you should first estimate the desired amount of brightness. Pay attention to the packaging and wattage listed for the bulb. To compare, a 9W LED bulb is equivalent to a 45W incandescent bulb. Learning about lumens will also help you decide which bulb you’ll need for your space. The higher the lumen listed, the brighter light the bulb will provide. You can also choose between standard or dimmable lights, tube, flame tip, or diffused, and warm or cool light. Whichever style you desire, be sure to look for certifications, including Energy Star, UL, and FCC.
Developing Technology
The nature of technology is that it is constantly changing and evolving. With that said, energy-efficient lighting is continuing to develop more advanced ways to light spaces using less energy. The options are becoming safer for people and the environment. Although the initial investment may be higher for LED and energy efficient options, it will be worth spending less overtime in energy bills and replacing the bulbs.
Are you in need of electric or lighting services for your commercial facility? CMI Companies is here to help! With over 35 years in the industry, CMI has an array of equipment to handle the logistics of any in-house job. We also frequently provide solutions to property managers and upcoming developments. CMI Companies provides services in Mid-Atlantic Region and proudly serves clients in Northern Virginia, Maryland, Richmond, Southern Virginia, Manassas, Prince William County, Fairfax County, Rockville, and Prince George’s County. Also, check us out on Google +, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.