Energy Saving Solutions for Commercial Buildings

Energy Saving Solutions for Commercial Buildings

An energy audit is the best way to understand your building’s energy output.

There’s one major area in your commercial building where you could be saving a lot of money, and that’s in the energy output of your business. Energy saving solutions have a significant impact not only your pockets but also on the environment. 

Audits and Upgrades

To have a full understanding of the energy picture in your commercial building, the first step is to have an energy audit done so that you can fully understand your energy output and identify areas where you can save. Upgraded appliances, accessories, commercial lighting equipment, and HVAC equipment will make a direct impact on your energy output.  

Timing and Programming

The most obvious way to save energy is to turn off lights and appliances when not in use. Systems that use timers and programmable controls are incredibly efficient for saving energy. In addition, turning down the heat or cooling at night and using automated systems reduces the chances of forgetting these steps. Reduce the number of different schedules in the building, having cleaning crews work during the day to reduce the amount of time that lights and the heating or cooling system need to be on.


Ensuring that your entire building management team is on board and fully understands the energy system in your building is essential to implementing energy-saving solutions. Teaching them the new automated systems and sharing the plans on how you intend to save energy are key to the full execution of the plan. Teach everyone how to monitor energy use and what steps to take in saving it.


Cold airflow has a tendency to expose areas in commercial spaces that allow air to leak through and into the building. Ensuring that all windows and doors are properly sealed immediately decreases energy being wasted. In addition, pipes, electrical outlets, and other HVAC materials should all be sufficiently insulated to reduce the amount of heat lost during the season.


Keeping up with regular maintenance is essential to saving energy. Be sure that your building maintenance team is taking the time to clean or replace air filters and ensure that all your current equipment is working properly. Systems that aren’t operating in the way they should are energy drainers.


Are you in need of electric or lighting services for your commercial facility? CMI Companies is here to help! With over 35 years in the industry, CMI has an array of equipment to handle the logistics of any in-house job. We also frequently provide solutions to property managers and upcoming developments. CMI Companies provides services in Mid-Atlantic Region and proudly serves clients in Northern Virginia, Maryland, Richmond, Southern Virginia, Manassas, Prince William County, Fairfax County, Rockville, and Prince George’s County. Also, check us out on Google +FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn.

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